New Publication! Exploring Lived Experiences of Gun Shot Wound Survivors: A Key To Ethnographically Informed Public Health Interventions for Curbing Firearm Violence

Our (JW and RB) students have been interviewing people in the ED who have been shot recently or in the past over the last few years in order to understand lived experiences of those that survived firearm violence with an aim to generate potential interventions to impact this epidemic that is sometimes lost on the radar (burden & opportunities of gunshot wound survival).

Great job to our students for helping us get this manuscript over the finish line – it’s one I am really proud of! Thanks to grad student Emily Holbrook, MA for all of her efforts on this project and with the undergrad & medical students.

Author: Jason Wilson, MD, PhD, CPE, FACEP

Jason Wilson, MD, PhD, CPE, FACEP is an emergency physician, academic healthcare leader and medical anthropologist with an interest in developing patient-centered pathways that are medically efficacious but also consider the role of structural and cultural forces in determining health inequities and disparities.