Jason Wilson, MD, PhD, CPE, FACEP has been promoted to the rank of Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Morsani College of Medicine, University of South Florida. He serves as the Founding Chair of the Department and the Chief of Emergency Medicine at Tampa General Hospital. He would like to think the inaugural USF EM APT Committee for their support in the process, as well as the USF MCOM APT Committee for their confidence.
Category: Uncategorized
New Publication! Exploring Lived Experiences of Gun Shot Wound Survivors: A Key To Ethnographically Informed Public Health Interventions for Curbing Firearm Violence
Our (JW and RB) students have been interviewing people in the ED who have been shot recently or in the past over the last few years in order to understand lived experiences of those that survived firearm violence with an aim to generate potential interventions to impact this epidemic that is sometimes lost on the radar (burden & opportunities of gunshot wound survival).
Great job to our students for helping us get this manuscript over the finish line – it’s one I am really proud of! Thanks to grad student Emily Holbrook, MA for all of her efforts on this project and with the undergrad & medical students. https://lnkd.in/eW-cttbt

Mobile Buprenorphine Program
I discussed a new partnership between Tampa General Hospital and Central Florida Behavioral Health Network (CFBHN) on Fox 13. This partnership greatly expands access to buprenorphine [Suboxone], a life saving drug, for those with opioid use disorder.
a little theory…syndemics, assemblages, entanglements, and emergency medicine

Syndemic Interventions to HIV, HCV, and Opioid Use Disorder
Heat Related Illness Increase in the ER
I enjoyed talking to Bloomberg about some of the heat related issues we have seen during this ongoing climate catastrophe and the highest temperatures ever recorded.
“At Tampa General Hospital, several heat-related cases have been particularly concerning, said emergency-medicine physician Jason Wilson. Some patients had temperatures as high as 107, while others had third-degree burns from lying in the hot sun, which can happen when heat stroke alters a victim’s mental state.
Doctors sometimes take extreme measures in these cases, including implanting tubes that move cold water into a patient’s body, said Wilson, chief of the University of South Florida’s emergency medicine division, which is affiliated with the hospital.”
“While Wilson hasn’t seen the number of patients rise above past years, he said doctors are concerned and keeping an eye on the situation.
It’s “like a shark bite summer,” he said. “You kind of have to wait and see where things fall out.”’
USF Clinical Medical Anthropology and Social Medicine at SfAA 2023
Megan Sarmento (PhD student) and Ana Gutierrez have an on-demand poster that discusses our collaborative, interdisciplinary approaches at the needle exchange.
Emily Holbrook (PhD candidate) will serve as chair (!) for a panel regarding reproductive health and work on resettled refugee women.
Heather Henderson, PhD and Jason Wilson, MD (PhD Candidate) will serve as co-chair on a panel with Bernice McCoy, PhD and Roberta Baer, PhD regarding our use of anthropology in clinical spaces to create structurally informed pathways.
Great work everyone!
For residents, medical students and grad students on this message – we always welcome your involvement in Social EM. Please just reach out!

Tampa General Hospital Showcases Innovations in Patient Care at Florida Senate Committee Hearing
Symposium by the Sea 2022
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Above, PGY-2 Resident Physicians Daniel Mbom (L) and Lorena Martinez (R) take a break after the CPC. |
USF Emergency Medicine and USF Morsani College of Medicine Medical Students Well Represented at Symposium by the Sea Research Session 2022 |
Symposium by the Sea took place in Bonita Springs from August 4-6, 2022. USF was well represented at the conference. Faculty members Enola Okonkwo, MD, David Orban, MD, Jim Gillen, MD, and Jason Wilson, MD all attended. Residents Vincent Coster, MD, PGY-3, Courtland Samuels, MD, PGY-3, Alex Breslin, MD, PGY-3, Lorena Martinez, MD, PGY-2, and Daniel Mbom, MD, PGY-2 were all in attendance and most presented posters or participated in competitions. Medical students from the EM Summer Research Symposium (many sponsored by RISE and SELECT programs at USF) presented posters and included Claire Dalby, MS2, Jack Jimenez, MS2, Andre Elder, MS2, Ayesha Anwar, MS2, Thomas Shen, MS2, Theo Sher, MS2, and Jay Shah, MS2. Thanks so much to Emily Holbrook, MA for helping to run the summer session!Dr. Orban participated in numerous past-president functions while Dr. Wilson served as the Research Session Chair and Dr. Okonkwo made sure our residents were prepared for the Case Presentation Competition (CPC) while also helping student Claire Dalby, MS2 (along with Naveen Perisetla, MS2 and Christopher Popiolek, MS2) and a team of residents (Courland Samuels, MD; Alex Breslin, MD; Autumn Bass, DO) present their award winning poster evaluating arrhythmias after ED discharge using an ambulatory cardiac monitoring device.The arrhythmia project has taken teamwork and coordination to pull off a novel pathway that improves patient care. The poster deserved an award and the work will likely garner many future awards! |
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USF Medical Students at Symposium by the Sea. Claire Dalby, Ayesha Anwar, Jack Jimenez, Jay Shah, Theo Sher, Andre Elder. Not shown but also presenting was Thomas Shen. |
Dr. Wilson served as the Research Chair. The conference featured a total of 6 case reports and 21 research posters. 1 fellow presented a case report and 5 were by residents. 1 Fellow presented a research poster. 12 residents presented research posters and 8 students presented posters as the first author/presenter. Of the 8 research posters by students, 5 were by USF students and 4 of those contained resident and attending authors or investigators.USF Medical Student Claire Dalby, MS2 won best medical student poster which was conducted under the mentorship of Dr. Enola Okonkwo with the help of resident leaders/investigators Dr. Courtland Samuel, Dr. Alex Breslin and Dr. Autumn Bass.Way to go Claire!!! |
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Claire Dalby, MS2, discusses her award winning poster with Research Session Judges |
Evaluation of Arrhythmia Detection Rates Among Patients with Syncope or Palpitations Discharged from the Emergency Department with Ambulatory Cardiac Monitoring Device. Claire Dalby, MS2; Naveen Perisetla, MS2; Courtland Samuels, MD, PGY-3; Alexander Breslin, MD, PGY-3; Autumn Bass, DO, PGY-2; Christopher Popiolek, MS2; Enola Okonkwo, MD |
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PGY-3 USF EM Residents Courtland Samuels and Alex Breslin in front of the Arrhythmia poster |
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Dr. Courtland Samuels, PGY-3, accepts the best medical student research poster award on behalf of Claire Dalby, MS2 for the arrhythmia project he has worked very hard to coordinate, help design and keep running! |
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Dr. Daniel Mbom, PGY-2, CPC Chair Dr. Jennifer Jackson, and Dr. Lorena Martinez, PGY-2 at the CPC |
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Theo Sher attempting not to become part of the scooter injury data set by sticking to an imaginary scooter |
Analysis of injury patterns related to standing electric scooters at a Level-1 Trauma center Emergency Department in an urban area. Theo Sher MS2, Jay Shah, MS3; Andrew Thomas, MD; Emily Holbrook, MA, PhD Student; Jason Wilson, MD |
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Jack Jimenez, MS2 and Andre Elder, MS2, in front of their poster. |
Comparison of acute versus previous gunshot wound patients’ views on firearms. Jack Jimenez, MS2; Paul Webb MS2; Andre Elder MS2; Jason Wilson, MD; Roberta Baer, PhD |
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Ayesha Anwar, MS2 discusses her poster considering social determinants of health and opioid use disorder with EM Division Chief, Dr. David Orban |
Social Determinants of Health and Opioid Use Disorder. Ayesha Anwar, MS2, Emily Holborok, MA, PhD Student; Jason W. Wilson, MD |
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Thomas Shen, MS2 stands in front of his poster analyzing equivocal HIV results in the ED next to Dr. Jason Wilson |
Factors differentiating False Positive and Acute Positive Equivocal Fourth Generation HIV serum test results at the Tampa General Hospital Emergency Department. Thomas Shen,MS2; Zachary Whiteman; Emily Holbrook, MA, PhD Student; Jason Wilson, MD |
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Dr. Courtland Samuels (L) and Dr. David Orban (R) stand with awards for best medical student poster (Claire Dalby, MS2) and participation in the CPC (Dr. Lorena Martinez and Dr. Daniel Mbom) |
Below, Claire Dalby, MS2 and Dr. Enola Okonkwo stand next to Claire’s award winning poster on ED based ambulatory arrhythmia monitoring |
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Congrats to everyone for participating and showing off the great work and people at USF! See you next year at Symposium! |
‘Every Emergency Doctor’ will see an overdose each shift, says a Tampa ER Doctor
WUSF Kerry Sheridan
Overdoses linked to fentanyl are rising exponentially in Florida, according to the state department of health. Doctors say the epidemic is now disproportionately affecting people of color.
Florida has seen an “exponential rise” in overdoses linked to fentanyl, according to the state department of health, which issued a public health alert in July. In Florida, and around the nation, doctors say the epidemic is now disproportionately affecting people of color.
“I will go to work tonight in the emergency department, and I will see a patient who has an opioid overdose,” said Jason Wilson, associate medical director of the emergency department at Tampa General Hospital, and associate professor at USF Health.
“This is an expected type of patient presentation. Just like a heart attack or stroke or patient with sepsis, this is something that every emergency doctor working a clinical shift today is going to see in their shift.”
Fentanyl is a powerful painkiller that officials say is 100 times stronger than morphine.
More than 6,150 people died in Florida in 2020 from overdoses linked to fentanyl. State health officials say more died in 2021, according to preliminary data.
The opioid epidemic in America began in the late 1990s, with increased prescribing of painkillers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Then, a second wave emerged around 2010 with a surge in heroin overdoses.
“We’re in essentially, the third wave of an ongoing opioid epidemic that you can trace back to over a decade now. That ongoing heroin epidemic has started to be replaced by a newer fentanyl epidemic,” Wilson said.
“Now, moving into the middle of 2022, you actually do have people who are purposely and intentionally seeking out fentanyl at this point, because it’s been replaced —the heroin has been replaced by the fentanyl for so long.”
He said that while gains were made in cutting back on pill-mills that churned out addictive painkillers, the root problem of dependence on opioids was never solved, and people continue to use illicit opioids to keep themselves from suffering the symptoms of withdrawal.
“A person who is dependent on heroin may know a dose that will keep them out of withdrawal that they can take throughout the day or throughout the week. But when you replace that with fentanyl, suddenly that same dose that kept you out of withdrawal now becomes a toxic deadly dose,” Wilson said.
“What we have seen in the emergency department and throughout the healthcare system in Florida, is people overdosing on fentanyl because they thought they were getting heroin or other opioid medication and it was being replaced by fentanyl, which is much stronger.”
Unlike a decade ago, when heroin overdoses were largely among white people, “this is beginning to hit the African American community, disproportionately higher,” Wilson said.
“So new cases, new overdoses, new uses of fentanyl, are beginning to really hit that population at a much higher disproportionate rate, then we’re seeing in other populations, as well as lower income and vulnerable populations.”
The same pattern has been seen nationwide, as drugs bought on the street become more dangerous.
Wilson said prescription medications like buprenorphine, the active ingredient in Suboxone, can help people stop using illicit opioids, and another potentially life-saving public health intervention would involve making fentanyl test strips legal and widely available.
“In a lot of states, fentanyl test strips have become a legal way to test drug supply by the user to ensure that fentanyl is not present and that so the person is not receiving a deadly amount of illicit drug,” Wilson said.
“This went to the state legislature in Florida this past session, but did not pass.”